Advanced DDoS Mitigation
StaySecurely Networks operates a low-latency, DDoS protected, content delivery network.

Our mitigation, your website
We strongly take care of providing the best performing DDoS Mitigation on the Market, to fully secure your server in a secure environment.
Our core mitigation is based on analyzing the request. Our application layer filtering is unmatched and out performs all of our competitors.
Based on custom mitigation techniques, every request to your website is analyzed for anomalies involving thoroughly inspecting the TCP connection, and the HTTP request.
Along with Email and Discord Webhook attack notifications, our protection includes customization including CIDR firewall rules, ratelimit and customizable mitigation settings.

Our Network
By using our protected CDN Network we can offer a fluent experience to your users.
Includes live analytics providing insights on bandwidth usage and requests to your site.
Blazing fast cache that includes a purge-cache and automatic caching of static web contents.
Highly resilient CDN network perfect for websites demanding high uptime.